In order to clearly communicate “Fukushima’s Revitalization Today” to domestic and international audiences, the Prefecture has created “Steps for Reconstruction and Revitalization in Fukushima Prefecture”, which summarises the progress and challenges since the Great East Japan Earthquake. We have recently made English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean versions available for overseas visitors in our official website.
This issue’s cover features photos related to the revitalization efforts in Iitate Village, where the evacuation orders were lifted in most areas in March 2017. Please take a look!
The Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Site provides information on the current status of Fukushima’s revitalization in 10 languages, and “Steps for Reconstruction and Revitalization in Fukushima Prefecture” is also available on the portal site. (You can change the language using the button in the top-right corner.) Be sure to check other pages on the portal site.
Simplified Chinese:
Traditional Chinese:
Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Site Top Page: